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Assange Court Report Day 3: Afternoon

Julian Assange’s access to his legal team is being curtailed, he told the court today.

Assange Extradition Hearing Photos: February 25, 2020

Photos from day 2 of the extradition hearing of Julian Assange at Woolwich Crown Court, February 25, 2020. All photos credit: Jekaterina Saveljeva.

Assange Court Report Day 3: Morning

Proceedings resumed this morning with the court hearing legal submissions on the issue of whether Julian Assange’s extradition should be blocked on the basis the offences he is accused of...

Assange Extradition Hearing Photos: February 24, 2020

Photos from day 1 of the extradition hearing of Julian Assange at Woolwich Crown Court, February 24, 2020. All photos credit: Jekaterina Saveljeva.

Defence Skeleton Argument on Political Offence Protection

Below you’ll find the defence skeleton argument and defence reply on political offence protection, presented by Edward Fitzgerald QC at Woolwich Crown Court on February 26, 2020.

Assange Court Report Day 2: Afternoon

Chelsea Manning “acted through conscience”

Assange Court Report Day 2: Morning

Defence complains about Assange “mistreatment.”

Assange Court Report Day 1: Afternoon

While this morning belonged to the US government to put its an argument for the extradition of Julian Assange, this afternoon belonged to the defence, as Edward Fitzgerald QC put...

Assange Court Report Day 1: Morning

Hundreds gathered outside a London court today to protest at the first day of the extradition hearing of Julian Assange, with their chants of “Free Assange,” fully audible inside the...

Defence Opening Summary

Below you’ll find the opening summary of defence case, presented by Edward Fitzgerald QC at Woolwich Crown Court on February 24, 2020.

US Opening Note and Skeleton Argument on Political Offence

Below you’ll find the US opening note and skeleton argument, presented by James Lewis QC at Woolwich Crown Court on February 24, 2020.

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This site provides rapid, fact-based reporting about one of the most important current freedom of media court cases. It is free to access and we welcome reuse of the material...

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