Category Photos

Assange Assurances Hearing Photos: May 20, 2024

Photos from the the Julian Assange assurances hearing at the Royal Courts of Justice in London, May 20, 2024. All photos credit: Guy Smallman.

Assange Day X Day 2 Hearing Photos: February 21, 2024

Photos from the application for renewal hearing of Julian Assange at the Royal Courts of Justice in London, February 21, 2024. All photos credit: Guy Smallman.

Assange Day X Day 1 Hearing Photos: February 20, 2024

Photos from the application for renewal hearing of Julian Assange at the Royal Courts of Justice in London, February 20, 2024. All photos credit: Guy Smallman.

Assange Extradition Appeal Hearing Photos: December 10, 2021

Photos from the extradition appeal hearing of Julian Assange at the Royal Courts of Justice in London, December 10, 2021. All photos credit: Guy Smallman.

Assange Extradition Appeal Hearing Photos: October 28, 2021

Photos from the extradition appeal hearing of Julian Assange at the Royal Courts of Justice in London, October 28, 2021. All photos credit: Guy Smallman.

Assange Extradition Appeal Hearing Photos: October 27, 2021

Photos from the extradition appeal hearing of Julian Assange at the Royal Courts of Justice in London, October 27, 2021. All photos credit: Guy Smallman.

Assange Extradition Hearing Photos: September 28, 2020

Photos from the extradition hearing of Julian Assange at Central Criminal Court in London, September 28, 2020. All photos credit: Guy Smallman.

Assange Extradition Hearing Photos: September 17, 2020

Photos from the extradition hearing of Julian Assange at Central Criminal Court in London, September 17, 2020. All photos credit: Guy Smallman.

Assange Extradition Hearing Photos: September 8, 2020

Photos from the second day of the continued extradition hearing of Julian Assange at Central Criminal Court in London, September 07, 2020. All photos credit: Guy Smallman.

Assange Extradition Hearing Photos: September 07, 2020

Photos from the first day of the continued extradition hearing of Julian Assange at Central Criminal Court in London, September 07, 2020. All photos credit: Guy Smallman.

Assange Extradition Hearing Photos: February 27, 2020

Photos from day 4 of the extradition hearing of Julian Assange at Woolwich Crown Court, February 27, 2020. All photos credit: Jekaterina Saveljeva.

Assange Extradition Hearing Photos: February 26, 2020

Photos from day 3 of the extradition hearing of Julian Assange at Woolwich Crown Court, February 26, 2020. All photos credit: Jekaterina Saveljeva.

Assange Extradition Hearing Photos: February 25, 2020

Photos from day 2 of the extradition hearing of Julian Assange at Woolwich Crown Court, February 25, 2020. All photos credit: Jekaterina Saveljeva.

Assange Extradition Hearing Photos: February 24, 2020

Photos from day 1 of the extradition hearing of Julian Assange at Woolwich Crown Court, February 24, 2020. All photos credit: Jekaterina Saveljeva.

About the Site

This site provides rapid, fact-based reporting about one of the most important current freedom of media court cases. It is free to access and we welcome reuse of the material...

Category Reports

Assange Court Report archived

Assange Court Report website archived

Julian Assange freed from Belmarsh prison after agreeing plea deal

Julian Assange freed from Belmarsh prison after agreeing plea deal

High Court finds US assurances insufficient and grants permission to appeal against extradition

High Court finds US assurances insufficient and grants permission to appeal against extradition

Assange Court Report: February 21 - afternoon

Lack of extradition safeguards revealed in final session of Assange hearing

Assange Court Report: February 21 - morning

Assange not a journalist or entitled to protection, lawyers for US Government tell court

Assange Court Report: February 20 - afternoon

If extradited, Assange could face death penalty, court hears

Assange Court Report: February 20 - morning

Espionage Act charges are “quintessentially political,” Assange defence argues

Assange Court Report: January 24

Assange Case set for Supreme Court Appeal

Assange Court Report: December 10

High Court accepts US assurances and rules Assange extradition should go ahead

Assange Court Report October 28: Afternoon

Assange lawyers question validity of US assurances

Assange Court Report October 28: Morning

Overwhelming evidence Julian Assange would be isolated in a US prison, court told

Assange Court Report: October 27: Afternoon

US says Assange judge made decision on “misleading” evidence

Assange Court Report: October 27: Morning

US presents assurances on Assange detention, as appeal hearing opens

Assange Court Report: August 11

US Government will be allowed to challenge Assange medical evidence

Assange Court Report: January 6

Judge denies Assange bail

Assange Court Report January 4

Judge denies Assange extradition

Assange Gerichtsprotokoll 01. Oktober: Nachmittags

Entscheidung zur Auslieferung von Assange wird am 4. Januar 2021 verkündet

Assange Gerichtsprotokoll 30. September: Morgens

Assanges Ausspähung von Trumps Seniorpartner befehligt

Assange Gerichtsprotokoll 29. September: Nachmittags

„Sie leben unter katastrophalen Bedingungen, ohne Ende in Sicht“

Assange Gerichtsprotokoll 29. September: Morgens

Assange müsste “fast tot sein“ um dem Supermax-Gefängnis zu entgehen

Assange Gerichtsprotokoll 28. September: Nachmittags

Gefängniszellen “von der Größe eines Parkplatzes, man kann schreien aber niemand hört einen.”

Assange Gerichtsprotokoll 28. September: Morgens

Assange droht im US-Gefängnis der „X-Block“, so das Gericht

Assange Gerichtsprotokoll 25. September: Nachmittags

“Millionen“ hatten Zugang zu den Dokumenten bevor WikiLeaks sie veröffentlichte, erfährt das Gericht

Assange Gerichtsprotokoll 25. September: Morgens

Keine Entscheidung im Fall Assange vor 2021, verkündete das Gericht

Assange Gerichtsprotokoll 24. September: Nachmittags

Assange leidet unter “akutem psychologischem Trauma”, sagt Ärztin

Assange Gerichtsprotokoll 23. September: Nachmittags

Zeuge der Anklage gesteht, dass Assanges Gesundheit sich in einem US-Gefängnis verschlechtern könnte

Assange Gerichtsprotokoll 23. September: Morgens

Falls ausgeliefert, setzt Asperger-Syndrom Assange einem „hohen Risiko“ aus

Assange Gerichtsprotokoll 22. September: Nachmittags

Eine US-Haft wäre “sehr schädlich” für Assange, sagte der Experte für geistige Gesundheit

Assange Gerichtsprotokoll 22. September: Morgens

Assange weist ein “Bündel von hohen Risikofaktoren“ auf, erklärt ein Experte dem Gericht

Assange Gerichtsprotokoll 21. September: Nachmittags

Assange “auf Anweisung des Präsidenten“ vertrieben, hörte das Gericht

Assange Gerichtsprotokoll 21. September: Morgens

Ein Buch von Journalisten gab das Passwort her, vernimmt das Gericht

Assange Gerichtsprotokoll 18. September: Nachmittags

US-Regierung bestätigt Begnadigungsangebot gegenüber Assange

Assange Gerichtsprotokoll 18. September: Morgens

Journalisten vertrauen gewohnheitsmäßig auf vertrauliche Quellen hörte das Gericht

Assange Gerichtsprotokoll 17. September: Nachmittags

Assanges Verhalten in den US-Medien “alltäglich”

Assange Gerichtsprotokoll 17. September: Morgens

Assange “beharrte” auf die Redaktion von Dokumenten

Assange Gerichtsprotokoll 16. September: Nachmittags

Ein berühmter Whistleblower verteidigt Assange vor Gericht

Assange Gerichtsprotokoll 16. September: Morgens

Die Veröffentlichung der WikiLeaks-Kabel führte zu keinem Schaden, so hörte es das Gericht

Assange Gerichtsprotokoll 15. September: Nachmittags

Julian Assange würde in den USA keinen fairen Prozess bekommen, so hieß es heute im Gericht

Assange Gerichtsprotokoll 15. September: Morgens

Trump möchte Assange im Gefängnis und stillgelegt sehen, so hieß am Gerichtshof

Assange Gerichtsprotokoll 14. September: Morgens

Laut Gericht droht Assange in den USA Isolationshaft

Assange Gerichtsprotokoll 10. September: Morgens

Julian Assanges Anhörung durch COVID19-Alarm unterbrochen.

Assange Gerichtsprotokoll 9. September: Nachmittags

Ein Sieg der US-Regierung im Fall Assange würde “jeden Journalisten kriminalisieren,” sagte ein Pressefreiheitsexperte dem Gericht heute.

Assange Gerichtsprotokoll 9. September: Morgens

15 000 irakische Zivilopfer durch WikiLeaks aufgedeckt

Assange Gerichtsprotokoll 8. September: Abends

Die Trump-Regierung wollte einen „Kopf auf einem Spieß“ um weitere Quellen/“Leaker“ abzuschrecken und übte auf das US-Justizministerium Druck aus, Assange zu verfolgen, so erfuhr das Gericht heute.

Assange Gerichtsprotokoll 8. September: Morgens

Ein geheimes US-Tötungsprogramm wurde dank der Veröffentlichungen von WikiLeaks unterbunden, hieß es heute im Gerichtssaal. Die Aussage wurde während des zweiten Tages der Auslieferungsanhörung des WikiLeaks-Gründers Julian Assange in Londons...

Assange Gerichtsprotokoll 7. September: Abends

Als das Verfahren um 14 Uhr wieder aufnahm, fragte die Verteidigung weitere 30 Minuten Aufschub, um sich mit ihrem Klienten über die morgendlichen Beschlüsse kurzuschließen, da es keine Widersprüche gab,...

Assange Gerichtsprotokoll 7. September: Morgens

Hunderte Demonstranten versammelten sich am Morgen außerhalb des Strafgerichtshofs in London, Old Bailey, um Julian Assange ihre Unterstützung zu zeigen, dem wegen Spionagevorwürfen und Hacking in Verbindung mit der Veröffentlichung...

Assange Case Management Hearing Report, April 27, 2020

Julian Assange Extradition Case Management Hearing Monday 27 April 2020 Westminster Magistrates Court Before District Judge Vanessa Baraitser

Gerichtsprotokoll Assange Tag 4: Nachmittags

Die erste Phase der Auslieferungsanhörung von Julian Assange endete heute mit einem Streit darüber, ob er einen fairen Prozess erhält.

Gerichtsprotokoll Assange Tag 3 : Nachmittags

Julian Assange erklärte dem Gericht heute, der Zugang zu seiner Verteidigung werde eingeschränkt

Gerichtsprotokoll Assange Tag 3 : Morgens

Das Verfahren wurde heute Morgen wieder aufgenommen, und das Gericht hörte juristische Eingaben zu der Frage, ob die Auslieferung von Julian Assange aufgrund der ihm vorgeworfenen Straftaten blockiert werden sollte,...

Gerichtsprotokoll Assange Tag 2 : Nachmittags

Chelsea Manning « handelte im vollen Bewusstsein »

Gerichtsprotokoll Assange Tag 2 : Morgens

Verteidigung beklagte Assanges « Misshandlung ».

Gerichtsprotokoll Assange Tag 1: Nachmittags

Am Morgen wurden die Argumente der US-Anwälte für die US-Auslieferung von Julian Assange dargelegt. Am Nachmittag war es an Assanges Verteidiger Edward Fitzgerald gegen eine Überstellung Assanges an die USA...

Gerichtsprotokoll Assange Tag 1: Morgens

Hunderte versammelten sich heute außerhalb des Gerichtshofs, um am ersten Tag der Auslieferungsanhörung von Julian Assange mit lautstarken « Free-Assange »-Gesängen zu protestieren, die man klar innerhalb des Gebäudes vernehmen konnte.

Category Documents

Legal submissions on US assurances

Below you’ll find submissions from Julian Assange’s legal team on the sufficiency of assurances submitted by the US Government - as well as the US Government response - for the...

Julian Assange skeleton arguments February 2024

Julian Assange skeleton arguments for the appeal renewal hearing (Day X) are available at the following links:

Assange Certification Application and Ruling

The pronouncent granting certification for a Supreme Court appeal is available below, along with the defence application and an explanatory note from Julian Assange’s solicitors Birnberg Peirce:

Assange Extradition Appeal Ruling

The judgment and summary in the extradition apeal hearing of Julian Assange are available at the below links:

Respondent (Assange) skeleton arguments October 2021

Respondent (Assange) skeleton arguments for the Assange extradition appeal hearing are available at the following link:

Appellant (CPS) skeleton arguments October 2021

Appellant (CPS) skeleton arguments for the Assange extradition appeal hearing are available at the following link:

Defence Response to Appeal Arguments

The Defence response to the Appeal arguments of the United States can be read at the following link:

Assange Extradition Hearing Ruling

The judgement in the extradition hearing of Julian Assange is available at the below link:

Witness Statement: Yancey Ellis

Yancey Ellis is a Washington DC-based defence attorney admitted to the Eastern District of Virginia, where he worked in the Public Defender’s Office for several years. This evidence focuses on...

Witness Statement: Dean Yates

Dean Yates is a former Reuters journalist who was the organisation’s Baghdad Bureau Chief in 2007 and 2008. It was not until 2010 when WikiLeaks published the Collateral Murder video...

Witness Statement: Carey Shenkman

Carey Shenkman is a New York based freedom of speech and civil rights attorney. His evidence provides a history of the legislation under which Assange has been charged, namely the...

Witness Statement: Khaled El-Masri

Khaled El-Masri is a German and Lebanese citizen who was mistakenly abducted by the Macedonian police in 2003, and handed over to the CIA. In 2012 the European Court of...

Witness Statement: Trevor Timm

Trevor Timm is the Executive Director of the Freedom of the Press Foundation. His evidence lays out the differing approaches to leaks from the Obama and Trump Administrations.

Witness Statement: Paul Rogers

Paul Rogers is Emeritus Professor of Peace Studies at Bradford University. His evidence will speak to the politically motivated nature of the case.

Witness Statement: Clive Stafford Smith

Clive Stafford Smith, JD, OBE, is a British attorney who specialises in the areas of civil rights and working against the death penalty in the United States of America. He...

Witness Statement: Mark Feldstein

Mark Feldstein is a Professor of Broadcast Journalism at the University of Maryland. He has twenty years’ experience as an investigative journalist.

Assange Prosecution Argument September 2020

The prosecution skeleton argument for the Assange extradition hearing is available at the following link:

Assange Defence Arguments September 2020

Defence skeleton arguments for the Assange extradition hearing are available (in two parts) at the following links:

Defence opening remarks for renewed application to adjourn

Below you’ll find the defence opening remarks for renewed adjourment application in the Julian Assange extradition case delivered during the case management hearing on April 27, 2020 at Westminster Magistrates...

Renewed Application to Adjourn Hearing Fixed for 18 May 2020

Below you’ll find the renewed hearing adjourment application in the Julian Assange extradition case considered during the case management hearing on April 27, 2020 at Westminster Magistrates Court.

Complete US Skeleton Argument

Below you’ll find the complete US skeleton argument, presented by James Lewis QC at Woolwich Crown Court on February 24, 2020.

Defence Skeleton Argument on Political Offence Protection

Below you’ll find the defence skeleton argument and defence reply on political offence protection, presented by Edward Fitzgerald QC at Woolwich Crown Court on February 26, 2020.

Defence Opening Summary

Below you’ll find the opening summary of defence case, presented by Edward Fitzgerald QC at Woolwich Crown Court on February 24, 2020.

US Opening Note and Skeleton Argument on Political Offence

Below you’ll find the US opening note and skeleton argument, presented by James Lewis QC at Woolwich Crown Court on February 24, 2020.

Category Videos

Parliamentarians demand 'proper public access' to Assange hearings

Eight Members of the European Parliament are calling on the British government to improve access to Julian Assange’s extradition hearings, which continue at London’s Central Criminal Court this morning.